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Wondering if You Have Whiplash After a Car Accident? Here are 5 Common Symptoms

Written By Total Care Injury & Pain Centers on March 8, 2023


Because of the adrenaline your body produces during a stressful event like a car accident, you might not notice signs and symptoms of injury right away. Whiplash symptoms might take a few days or weeks to develop, causing you to think you’re fine until you suddenly develop neck pain and stiffness. If you’re not sure if you have whiplash after being in a car accident in Donaldsonville, here are 5 common whiplash symptoms you might develop: 

1. Trouble Moving Your Neck

The most common whiplash symptoms may make it hard for you to move your neck from side to side or up and down. You might experience neck pain and stiffness, increased pain when moving your neck, and a loss of range of motion in your neck. These symptoms are usually the first to show up after being in a car accident.

2. Muscle Weakness and Numbness

Surprisingly, whiplash can also cause a numb or tingling feeling, like ‘pins and needles,’ in your arms and hands. This is because whiplash can cause nerve damage or compress the nerves in your cervical spine. You might also experience muscle weakness in your arms and hands, making it hard to pick up or hold objects. 

3. Referred Symptoms

Over time, whiplash symptoms can move to other parts of your body. In addition to neck pain, you might experience shoulder and upper back pain and tenderness. You might also develop arm pain or hand pain, headaches and migraines, and dizziness and fatigue. Whiplash can cause or contribute to other neurological symptoms as well, like blurred vision, ringing in the ears, and vertigo.

4. Non-Physical Symptoms

In addition to physical symptoms, whiplash can affect your mental and emotional health. You might experience irritability, personality changes, trouble concentrating, memory problems, insomnia, anxiety, and depression.

5. Headaches or Migraines

In some cases, whiplash can cause or exacerbate headaches and migraines. If you are suddenly experiencing frequent headaches or migraines, or if your headaches or migraines have worsened after being in an auto accident, whiplash might be to blame. Tension headaches can be caused by neck strain and compression of the nerves in the cervical spine, but a chiropractor can relieve that tension and reduce your headaches and migraines. 

If You Need Whiplash Treatment in Donaldsonville, Come See Us Today

If you need whiplash treatment in Donaldsonville after being in an auto accident, come see us at Total Care Injury & Pain Centers. Our Donaldsonville chiropractors can evaluate you for hidden auto injuries, develop a treatment plan to address all of your symptoms, and help you get back to work and your normal daily routines. To learn more or schedule an appointment, call us today at (225) 473-3990.

Posted In: Chiropractic Auto Injury Treatment Whiplash Treatment