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Why Does Sitting on a Wallet or Carrying a Heavy Purse Cause Pain?

Written By Total Care Injury & Pain Centers on August 29, 2023

shoulder pain

Have you ever noticed that sitting on a wallet or phone for a long period of time causes lower back and hip pain? Or that carrying a heavy purse around all day leads to shoulder, neck, and upper back pain? At Total Care Injury & Pain Centers, our chiropractors have years of experience evaluating posture, spinal alignment, and daily habits to identify the cause of chronic or acute aches and pains in Donaldsonville, LA. Take a look at why these particular habits can lead to pain, stiffness, and discomfort. 

The Dangers of Sitting on a Wallet

When you carry something bulky in your back pocket, like a wallet or cell phone, you’ll likely end up sitting on it for long periods of time. This causes big problems for your back and hips. Your sciatic nerve, which is located right behind your hip joint, can easily get pinched between the item in your pocket and your hip. Over time, this will cause pain that radiates from your lower back across your hip and down one leg. Sitting on top of an object in your pocket also tilts your pelvis to one side, which puts unneeded stress on your spine. You will end up with lower back pain, spinal misalignment, and sciatica.  

Carrying a Heavy Purse Is Bad for Your Spine

Carrying a heavy purse around with you all day will put added stress on your shoulders and upper back. Your muscles and ligaments will have to work harder to balance and support the extra weight, which will lead to chronic pain, stiffness, and loss of flexibility or range of motion. Over time, carrying a heavy load on one shoulder will cause your spine to curve in an unnatural position to compensate. This will cause back, neck, and shoulder pain, muscle strain, and joint problems. 

Posture Correction & Therapeutic Stretching

Our chiropractors can help you address and alleviate chronic aches and pains through posture correction, lifestyle changes, chiropractic care, and therapeutic exercises and stretches. We will first assess your posture and balance and discuss your daily habits. We will make recommendations that will relieve pressure and strain on your muscles and spine. We will then design a personalized chiropractic care plan that will relieve pain and inflammation, restore mobility and range of motion, decrease stiffness, and improve your posture and spinal alignment. 

Visit Our Chiropractors in Donaldsonville, LA

If you suspect that your wallet or purse is to blame for your chronic or recurring aches and pains in Louisiana, visit us at Total Care Injury & Pain Centers. We have a team of experienced chiropractors throughout our locations in Louisiana. We can create a personalized chiropractic care plan to address neck, back, or shoulder pain in Donaldsonville, Gonzales, Plaquemine, Baton Rouge, and Port Allen, LA. Call us today to schedule an appointment.

Posted In: Shoulder Pain